Interaction Orientation Program
Brief Lesson Orientation. Windows 7 Home Premium Oa Acer Laptop. Setting up focused lessons in terms of specific aspects of literacy. Overview of new learning. Purposes of assessment tasks are made. Chapter 1. 0. Hiring and Training Key Staff of Community Organizations Section 6. Developing Staff Orientation Programs Main Section. Learn how to develop a staff orientation so new staff members can understand and adjust to the organization and their jobs, and quickly become effective. What is a staff orientation program Why run a staff orientation program What are the elements of a staff orientation program How do you conduct a staff orientation programImagine starting a new job in a community based organization in a new area. You accept the position, show up for work on the agreed upon day, and the director shows you your space, welcomes you to the organization. Thats it your introduction to your new position. Youre on your own to learn all the ins and outs of the job and the organization who your co workers are, who does what, what the pitfalls of your position are, where to eat lunch. Do you think youd be likely to be able to do your best work or any work, really in the first few weeks or months More important, how would you feel about working for this organizationWould you have confidence that these folks had things under control, that theyd thought out what they were doing Fortunately, most organizations dont operate this way. Although we can choose whether to act on our feelings, psychologists do not consider sexual orientation to be a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed. Interaction Orientation Program' title='Interaction Orientation Program' />New staff members are generally given at least some idea of what theyre supposed to do, introduced to other staff, shown around, and made to feel welcome. Most organizations find it useful to conduct a short informal orientation, or if they have the resources a longer, more formal one, for all new staff, so that theyll learn much of what they need to know to do their jobs before they actually start working. Yours can do the same. What is a staff orientation program The word orientation literally means being turned toward the east, i. Orientation to a new job should give a staff member the basic information about the organization, her position, the target population, and the community, so she, too, can understand how to get where she wants to go. All or most of an orientation, therefore, should best take place before the job starts. In reality, however, many organizations find it hard to schedule orientations right away, and new staff members may flounder for several days or weeks before they get any official introduction to the organization. Its worth it to make time for an orientation when its needed before and while the new staff member actually begins working. Conducting an orientation at the right time makes more sense not only for the staff member, but for the organization as well. Youll save much more time in the long run, through the staff person knowing what hes supposed to do and how to navigate in the organization, than youll save by putting it off. Staff orientation programs may look either formal or informal, may be as short as a day or may continue through a month or more, may or may not include some training. The organization should think out beforehand what a staff orientation for that organization should look like. Velocidad Promedio De Una Persona Caminando Pdf. Whats important for staff to know Does the organization have unique features that are especially necessary for staff members to understandWhats different about the target population Who are the important people, within and outside the organization, for this staff person to meet What impression of the organization do you want new staff members to walk away with None of the answers to these questions should be left to chance they have to be included in the orientation. The point here is that a staff orientation program is more than simply telling people a few things about the organization. Its a coherent, planned introduction that combines information, experiences, and a transmission of the values and culture of the organization more on this later, all of which are aimed at giving new staff members the foundation they need to do their jobs and to integrate themselves into the organization and the community as easily as possible. Why conduct a staff orientation program An orientation for new staff can be a boon to both those staff members and the organization. Some specific advantages to such a program include It allows new staff members to hit the ground running. If they have a clear understanding of the organization, their positions, and the community, they can jump into their jobs immediately and start to make a difference. It instills new staff with confidence in both their own ability to be effective because they know they have the information and contacts they need and the organization which has had the foresight to provide them with that background, and made them feel a part of the operation. It improves the possibility through facilitating a good start and providing appropriate background that people will do a good job over the long term. Bt Hawk Tester User Manual more. It makes life easier for others in the organization, by eliminating the need for new staff members to ask them constantly for information and advice. It enfolds the new staff member into an existing social structure, thereby helping him to feel comfortable and to bond with others, and at the same time helping to improve the organizational climate the way the organization feels to those who work in and have contact with it. It formally welcomes new staff to the organization, and makes them feel that they have support for doing a good job. By familiarizing new staff members with the organizational culture see below, it increases the chances that they will fit well into the organization, and absorb and become part of that culture. By making staff knowledgeable and better prepared, it builds the organization s reputation in the community, leading to community support and better services. A well conceived and well run orientation can thus address all the factors logistical, professional, social, and philosophical that can help a staff member fit into the organization and do the best job she can. What are the elements of a staff orientation programA note The folks at the Community Tool Box are aware that most small and many larger organizations dont have the time or resources for a formal orientation. An orientation may encompass a look at the organizational manual, a few introductions, or even less. What follows is a picture of the ideal what you actually do will depend on your resources and the demands of your situation. The main point here is that the more information and comfort you can provide to a new staff member at the beginning, the better. If your organizations current orientation consists of Come on in and look around, and well put you to work, you might think about what you can do to make a new person a bit more at home. You dont have to run a full day orientation to do that. So youre convinced a staff orientation program is a great thing, and can really benefit your organization. Now youre faced with the question of what such a program should consist of. Orientation to just about any position needs to include introductions to the organization, the target population, the community, and the position itself. The following are some elements that might be included in each of these introductions. Much of the material suggested below can be conveyed in numerous ways in person through conversation or discussion, in a workshop, through an activity, in printed form either as a hard copy or on a website, etc.