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Top Challenges Facing The Oil Gas Industry And How To Conquer Them. Businesses share something important with lions. When a lion captures and consumes its prey, only about 1. The rest evaporates away, mostly as heat loss, according to research done in the 1. Raymond Lindeman. Today, businesses do only about as well as the big cats. When you consider the energy required to manage, power, and move products and services, less than 2. Romano Gas Software' title='Romano Gas Software' />Aggregate efficiency is a key factor in determining productivity. After making steady gains during much of the 2. Japan, home of the worlds most energy efficient economy, has been skating along at or near 2. The U. S. economy, meanwhile, topped out at about 1. Why does this matterAutogas LPG,CNG Diagnostic Software. Please note that the software on this website is not a property of LPG Shop and LPG Shop can not take responsibility for any. Although challenging times have emerged for the oil and gas industry, the opportunities are endless for those that are reducing complexity to Run Simple.' alt='Romano Gas Software' title='Romano Gas Software' />Jeremy Rifkin says he knows why. Rifkin is an economic and social theorist, author, consultant, and lecturer at the Wharton Schools Executive Education program who believes that economies experience major increases in growth and productivity only when big shifts occur in three integrated infrastructure segments around the same time communications, energy, and transportation. But its only a matter of time before information technology blows all three wide open, says Rifkin. He envisions a new economic infrastructure based on digital integration of communications, energy, and transportation, riding atop an Internet of Things Io. T platform that incorporates Big Data, analytics, and artificial intelligence. From millions of real job salary data. Average salary is Detailed starting salary, median salary, pay scale, bonus data report. Studio romano piazza vanvitelli 15, 80129 napoli. Tutte cose poco visibili nella capitale ma pi visibili nellarea degli scavi archeologici di Pompei, dove stata portata alla luce lantica citt romana. Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. See world news photos and videos at ABCNews. Autogas Conversion Systems Software Download Free Lovato, BRC, Zavoli, Fobos, Tamona, Progas, Egas, Europe gas, AC stag, Landi Renzo, Megajet, AGR, Atiker. Learn how to keg your homebrewed beer at home using a home kegging system. This platform will disrupt the world economy and bring dramatic levels of efficiency and productivity to businesses that take advantage of it,he says. Some economists consider Rifkins ideas controversial. And his vision of a new economic platform may be problematicat least globally. It will require massive investments and unusually high levels of government, community, and private sector cooperation, all of which seem to be at depressingly low levels these days. However, Rifkin has some influential adherents to his philosophy. He has advised three presidents of the European CommissionRomano Prodi, Jos Manuel Barroso, and the current president, Jean Claude Junckeras well as the European Parliament and numerous European Union EU heads of state, including Angela Merkel, on the ushering in of what he calls a smart, green Third Industrial Revolution. Rifkin is also advising the leadership of the Peoples Republic of China on the build out and scale up of the Internet Plus Third Industrial Revolution infrastructure to usher in a sustainable low carbon economy. C Program Graphics.H. The internet has already shaken up one of the three major economic sectors communications. Today it takes little more than a cell phone, an internet connection, and social media to publish a book or music video for freewhat Rifkin calls zero marginal cost. The result has been a hollowing out of once mighty media empires in just over 1. Much of what remains of their business models and revenues has been converted from physical remember CDs and video stores to digital. But we havent hit the trifecta yet. Transportation and energy have changed little since the middle of the last century, says Rifkin. Thats when superhighways reached their saturation point across the developed world and the internal combustion engine came close to the limits of its potential on the roads, in the air, and at sea. We have all these killer new technology products, but theyre being plugged into the same old infrastructure, and its not creating enough new business opportunities, he says. All that may be about to undergo a big shake up, however. The digitalization of information on the Io. T at near zero marginal cost generates Big Data that can be mined with analytics to create algorithms and apps enabling ubiquitous networking. This digital transformation is beginning to have a big impact on the energy and transportation sectors. If that trend continues, we could see a metamorphosis in the economy and society not unlike previous industrial revolutions in history. And given the pace of technology change today, the shift could happen much faster than ever before. The speed of change is dictated by the increase in digitalization of these three main sectors expensive physical assets and processes are partially replaced by low cost virtual ones. The cost efficiencies brought on by digitalization drive disruption in existing business models toward zero marginal cost, as weve already seen in entertainment and publishing. According to research company Gartner, when an industry gets to the point where digital drives at least 2. A clear pattern has emerged, says Peter Sondergaard, executive vice president and head of research and advisory for Gartner. Once digital revenues for a sector hit 2. Gartners annual 2. IT SymposiumITxpo, according to The Wall Street Journal. No matter what industry you are in, 2. Communications is already there, and energy and transportation are heading down that path. If they hit the magic 2. After all, who doesnt rely on energy and transportation to power their value chains The eye of the technology disruption hurricane has moved beyond communications and is heading toward the rest of the economy. Thats why businesses need to factor potentially massive business model disruptions into their plans for digital transformation today if they want to remain competitive with organizations in early adopter countries like China and Germany. China, for example, is already halfway through an US8. The Economist magazine. And it is competing with the United States for leadership in self driving vehicles, which will shift the transportation process and revenue streams heavily to digital, according to an article in Wired magazine. Once Chinas and Germanys renewables and driverless infrastructures are in place, the only additional costs are management and maintenance. That could bring businesses in these countries dramatic cost savings over those that still rely on fossil fuels and nuclear energy to power their supply chains and logistics. Once you pay the fixed costs of renewables, the marginal costs are near zero, says Rifkin. The sun and wind havent sent us invoices yet. In other words, zero marginal cost has become a zero sum game. To understand why that is, consider the major industrial revolutions in history, writes Rifkin in his books, The Zero Marginal Cost Society and The Third Industrial Revolution. The first major shift occurred in the 1. Meanwhile, the telegraph gave the world near instant communication over a globally connected network. The second big change occurred at the beginning of the 2. Telephones, radios, and televisions had a similar impact on communications. Breaking Down the Walls Between Sectors. J Moss V4 Download Zip. Now, according to Rifkin, were poised for the third big shift. The eye of the technology disruption hurricane has moved beyond communications and is heading towardor as publishing and entertainment executives might warn, coming forthe rest of the economy. With its assemblage of global internet and cellular network connectivity and ever smaller and more powerful sensors, the Io. T, along with Big Data analytics and artificial intelligence, is breaking down the economic walls that have protected the energy and transportation sectors for the past 5. Daimler is now among the first movers in transitioning into a digitalized mobility internet. Automate 9 Crack. The company has equipped nearly 4. Big Data centers. The sensors are picking up real time Big Data on weather conditions, traffic flows, and warehouse availability.